Enrollment by Section Report


The enrollment by section report gives a user a list of courses/sections with student numbers. You must enter the course numbers to run this report. The easiest way to get all of your course numbers together is to pull them out using DDE, manipulate them into a comma separated format, and then paste them into the report.

To do this, navigate to your courses 

Start Page > School Setup > Courses  

and go to manage courses for this school


Powerschool courses page display


Select and copy the list, then paste into excel

Powerschool courses page display


Paste into Excel and remove the additional columns 

Powerschool courses list copied into excel display


Copy and paste into Word


Powerschool courses list in excel copied into a word file display


Do a search and replace,under special, use the paragraph mark:

Powerschool courses list in word display

and replace with a comma and replace all


Powerschool courses list search display


Save the word document for future reference. Copy the contents of the word document and past it into the section enrollment section report

Powerschool enrollment by section report page display


And you should get a listing of the sections and their current enrollment.