Individual Student Attendance Report
This report is an object report originally found on PowerSource Exchange:
We have since modified and created two reports, one for periods 1-4 and the other for periods 5-7 (or 8).
There are two variable aspects of this report that may need to be adjusted, attendance codes and dates (year).
The report templates are listed below:
To import the reports into PowerSchool follow instructions here:
Importing Report Templates Into PowerSchool
Once the report(s) have been imported, you can go to:
Start Page > Reports > Report Setup > Object Reports
and you will see the report listed, click on it.
To adjust for dates, scan down the report and find all date areas then click on the text link next to that item
You can then go and adjust the dates for the desired range.
Hit submit and repeat for all other dates.
If you need to adjust for attendance codes, find the attendance code areas and click on the text link
Enter the attendance codes into the area and hit submit
Repeat for all attendance areas.
There is also an attendance "map", line 28
Edit this to match your attendance codes
You should now be able to run this report.