Sending Emails via PowerSchool
There is a custom plugin we can install that allows for sending emails directly through PowerSchool. To do so, follow the directions below:
For Teachers
For Bulk Emails
From the main page, for each class, there should be an envelope icon, click on it
If it's your first time doing this, you will have to authorize Google to send emails through Powerschool, click "Authorize." A second window will pop up asking you to sign in via Google, pick your email and then click "Allow"
After that, you will be signed in and be able to send an email out. The screen should look like:
Where you can check to email each student as well as their parent/guardian in that class. Once you're happy with your selection, scroll down, type up your email, and hit "Send"
For Single Emails
From the start page, click on the backpack within a course
Then, pick a student from the left sidebar. Click on the dropdown in the top right and find "New Email"
You should get a screen that looks like:
If you click the checkboxes, it lets you pick if you want to send directly to the student, CC them, or BCC them. This is also true for the Guardian, Contact, and Teacher sections. You also can manually enter in emails if needed. Once you're done, hit the "Send Email" button in the bottom left and the email should send.
To see email history
Follow the directions above for Single Emails, except click "Sent Email(s)" instead of "New Email" and a list should pop up with sent emails.
For Administrators
For Bulk Emails
From the start page, make a selection (All 7th graders, all students, all Females, etc.) Then in the bottom right, click the drop down arrow and find "Send Mass Email"
If it's your first time doing this, you will have to authorize Google to send emails through Powerschool, click "Authorize"
A second window will pop up asking you to sign in via Google, pick your email and then click "Allow"
After that, you will be signed in and be able to send an email out. The screen should look like:
If you check the Guardian(s) box, it will BCC each student's listed Guardian. Then you type up your message as normal and click "Send"
For Single Emails
First, pick out a student from the main page
From there, scroll down and click on "New Email"
If it's your first time doing this, you will have to authorize Google to send emails through Powerschool, click "Authorize"
A second window will pop up asking you to sign in via Google, pick your email and then click "Allow"
After that, you will be signed in and be able to send an email out. The screen should look like:
If you click the checkboxes, it lets you pick if you want to send directly to the student, CC them, or BCC them. This is also true for the Guardian, Contact, and Teacher sections. You also can manually enter in emails if needed. Once you're done, hit the "Send Email" button in the bottom left and the email should send.
To see email history
Click "Sent Email(s)" at the bottom of the list instead and there should be a list that pops up.