Importing Student Photos

Importing Student Photos

Before importing pictures into PowerSchool, you will need to prepare the pictures and the import map file.

Preparing the Import Map File

The map file needs to be in a text file format, separated by tabs. The only fields that are necessary are the student number and the picture name, in the example the picture was numbered with the student number: (example 10260 10260.JPG) Note: The order is important. First column needs to be the student number, second column needs to be image file name.

Preparing the Pictures:

Image files must be in the JPEG/JFIF format (Please see KB article 5968 for more information), with a file extension of .jpg or .jpeg. It is recommended that the image files be 320 pixels wide by 400 pixels high, and have an approximate file size of 20kB, but this not a must.

The pictures then need to be placed into a zip file. Note the pics need to be at the root level of the zip, not nested within a folder

Importing the Pictures

To import the pictures:

  • Navigate to:

    Start Page > System Administrator > Photo Management > Import Photos


  • Point at the zip file.

  • Point to the map file.

  • Click import.

If the pictures are successfully imported, but appear distorted when viewed on the student pages, check to make sure the student photo display dimensions are set up correctly. To check this setting, switch to the District Office, and navigate to District > Miscellaneous.
