Importing Standards
Go to Start Page > System Administrator > Page and Data Management > Data Import Manager
Select the file, and file delimiter, then click next
How To: Import Standards in PowerSchool 9 and Later
This articles goes over how to import new standards in to PowerSchool and import updates to existing standards in PowerSchool.
For PowerSchool 8 and Below
This article is intended for PowerSchool Administrators using versions 9 or higher.
- Field Reference
- Importing New Standards
- Importing Updates to Existing Standards
Field Reference
Field | Description | Example |
ConversionScaleID | The ID of the Standards Conversion Scale | 9 |
Description | Short description of standard, sometimes the same as Name | Recites all multiples of 10 up to 100 |
DisplayPosition | Standards at the same level, in PowerTeacher Gradebook, sort by the value in this field first, then by the value in Identifier. This allows you to manually specify sorting if desired. Default: 0 | 0 |
ID | Unique identifier for the Standard table record in the database. Only used for importing updates | 12345 |
Identifier | Unique identifier for the standard | MAT.KG.1 |
IsActive | Is this standard active. Valid values: 0 = Not Active, 1 = Active. Default: 1 | 1 |
IsAssignmentAllowed | If 1 then teachers can assign scores to this standard. If 0 then teachers can't assign scores to this standard. Default: 1 | 0 |
IsCommentIncluded | If 1 then teachers can leave comments on this standard. If 0 then teachers can't leave comments on this standard. Default: 0 | 0 |
IsExcludedFromReports | If 1 then this standard is excluded from object reports. If 0 then this standard is included in object reports. Default: 0 | 0 |
LongitudinalID | Unique identifier for the standard across all years. Used when importing standards, and linking new standards to previous year standards | 2571 |
MaxCommentLength | The number of characters allowed in a standard comment. Default/Max: 4000 | 1000 |
Name | The name of the standard | Multiples of 10 |
ParentStandardIdentifier | The Identifier of the standard above this one in the standard hierarchy | MAT.KG |
PrimaryCourses | Comma separated list of course numbers this standard is associated to. Note: No spaces may be used in this comma separated list. | MATH00,MATHKG |
SubjectArea | Subject area of the standard, used in reporting only. | math |
YearID | Two digit YearID of the year the standard is associated to. 15-16 = 25, 16-17 = 26, 17-18 = 27, etc | 25 |
Importing New Standards
This process goes over how to import new standards in to PowerSchool
Required Fields
- ConversionScaleID
- Identifier
- Name
- YearID
Optional Fields
- MaxCommentLength
- IsExcludedFromReports
- Description
- DisplayPosition
- IsActive
- IsAssignmentAllowed
- IsCommentIncluded
- ParentStandardIdentifier
- PrimaryCourses
- SubjectArea
Import Process
1) Create a Tab Delimited Text import file using your spreadsheet application of choice. Be sure to include all Required Fields
2) Navigate to: Start Page > System Administrator > Page and Data Management > Data Import Manager
3) Click Choose File and select your Tab Delimited Text import file
4) For Import Into select Standards: District List
5) For Field Delimiter select Tab
6) Click Next
7) Make sure all columns are mapped to the correct field
8) Click Import
9) Check the option to exclude the first row
10) Select Do not process record
11) Select Create a new Longitudinal ID
12) Wait for the import to complete, or click Refresh at regular intervals to monitor the progress.
13) If any records failed to import, click Download Failed Records and correct them before importing again.
Importing Updates to Existing Standards
This process goes over how to import updates to existing standards in PowerSchool
Required Fields
- ID
Import Process
You will need to export the required fields from the Data Export Manager in addition to the fields you wish to update, copy the file, make your changes in the copy, then import the changes to the Data Import Manager.
1) Login to PowerSchool
2) Navigate to: Start Page > System Administrator > Page and Data Management > Data Export Manager
3) For Category choose PowerSchool DataSets
4) For Export From choose Standards: District List
5) Check the names of all the Required Fields, in addition to any fields you want to update.
Note: Some spreadsheet applications will fail to open a file if ID is the first column. You can change the order of the columns using the Sort buttons.
6) Click Next
7) In Select/Edit Records from Standards: District List filter by YearID = [The two digit YearID of the standards you wish to update]
8) Click Next
9) Check Include Column Headers
10 Click Export
11) Make a copy of the export file and name it something like Standards_Before_Import
12) Open the export file and update the values desired.
13) Save the file as Tab Delimited Text
14) Navigate to: Start Page > System Administrator > Page and Data Management > Data Import Manager
15) Click Choose File and select your Tab Delimited Text import file
16) For Import Into select Standards: District List
17) For Field Delimiter select Tab
18) Click Next
19) Make sure all columns are mapped to the correct field
20) Click Import
21) Check the option to exclude the first row
21) Select the option to Update existing records
21) Select Retrieve the Longitudinal ID with the matching Identifier from a previous year
22) Wait for the import to complete, or click Refresh at regular intervals to monitor the progress.
23) If any records failed to import, click Download Failed Records and correct them before importing again.