Polycom Soundpoint Phones

Polycom Soundpoint Phones

Basic Info 

  • Soft Keys: These are the unlabeled keys on your phone beside or below your screen. They point to an option on the screen. 

  • VOIP: This is a common term you may hear from REMC. It stands for Voice Over IP and simply refers the type of phone system. 

  • Phone Models: These are listed at the bottom of the page.  

Checking your voicemail

  • From your extension: 
    1. Press the button on your phone that is labeled "Messages" 
    2. When you hear the prompt, dial in your password 
    3. If you have a phone that doesn't have a Messages button then dial *97 which will connect you to your extensions voicemail. 
  • From another extension: 
    1. Dial *98 
    2. When you hear the prompt, dial your extension number 
    3. When you hear the prompt, dial your password 
  • From an outside line: 
    1. Dial the school's main phone number 
    2. When you hear the voice menu, hit the star key on your phone 
    3. It will say "comedian mail. Mailbox..." you then dial in your extension and hit pound. It will then ask for your password. Dial in your password and hit pound. 
    4. Remember you can receive all voicemails to your email. If this is not set up for you and you would like it to be please contact REMC1. In the email will be an audio file which you can click on and listen to the voicemail through your computer speakers or headphones.  

Changing your unavailable greeting

  1. From the voicemail menu, press "0" 
  2. Press "1" and wait for the tone 
  3. The system will start recording at the tone 
  4. Record your message and then press # to save.  

Changing your busy greeting

  1. From the voicemail menu, press "0" 
  2. Press "2" and wait for the tone 
  3. The system will start recording at the tone 
  4. Record your message and then press # to save.  

How to record your name

  1. From the voicemail menu, press "0" 
  2. Press "3" and wait for the tone 
  3. The system will start recording at the tone 
  4. Say your name and then press # to save  

Change your password

  1. From the voicemail menu, press "0" 
  2. Press "5" and type in your new password 
  3. Press # to save  

Forwarding ''your'' extension

  • This will forward your calls to a phone of your choosing. 
    1. Press the softkey that is labeled either "Forward" or "Fwd" 
    2. Highlight Option 1 and choose the Select softkey 

    3. Key in the extension you would like calls forwarded to and press Enable (Note: this can also be an outside line, such as a cell phone) 

  • To stop forwarding calls, do the following: 
    1. Press the softkey that is labeled either "Forward" or "Fwd" 
    2. Highlight Option 1 and choose the Select softkey 

    3. Select the Disable softkey  

Recording an active call

  • To start recording an active call hit *1 (star key then the "1" key) 
  • To stop recording hit *1 (star "1") again or simply hang up the phone. 
  • Your recording will appear under your phone system web login in the call detail records (CDR) section of the web interface for the phone system. Please contact support to be shown how to retrieve your recordings.  

Transferring calls 

  • To transfer a call on an IP335 (Teacher Phone): 

    1. When in an ACTIVE call press the BlindX softkey. This softkey shows up on your display and will be associated with a button under your display. Now you type in the extension you want to transfer the call to then hit the Send softkey (or wait 3 seconds and the phone will fire off the call automatically). The call will send off and the call will end. You will not hear ringing. You can also Press ## while in a call then enter the extension when prompted. Using the ## method will start an attended transfer and show your extension as the incoming number to the remote extension. This method will allow you to talk to the staff at the extension or phone number you are transferring to before you hang up the phone. Hanging up the phone will complete the transfer. Using the blindX method will transfer the call with the original CallerID intact and is the preferred method to transfer a call.  
  • To transfer a call on an IP450 (Admin Phone): 

    1. When in an ACTIVE call press the BlindX softkey. This softkey shows up on your display and will be associated with a button under your display. Now you type in the extension you want to transfer the call to then hit the Send softkey (or wait 3 seconds and the phone will fire off the call automatically). The call will send off and the call will end. You will not hear ringing. You can also Press ## while in a call then enter the extension when prompted. Using the ## method will start an attended transfer and show your extension as the incoming number to the remote extension. This method will allow you to talk to the staff at the extension or phone number you are transferring to before you hang up the phone. Hanging up the phone will complete the transfer. Using the blindX method will transfer the call with the original CallerID intact and is the preferred method to transfer a call.  
  • To transfer a call on an IP650 (Secretary Phone): 

    • If the extension is on your sidecar, simply press the key next to it and hang up the phone. The call will shoot off to the destination extension. You will NOT hear ringing but you will see the line button blink green on the extension you just transferred to. If the line is answered it will turn red. If the call goes to voicemail the light will stop blinking green and simply go dark. 
    • If the extension is not on your sidecar: 

      1. Press the BlindX softkey under the display of your phone while in an active call for a blind transfer. Now you type in the extension you want to transfer the call to then hit the Send softkey (or wait 3 seconds and the phone will fire off the call automatically). The call will send off and the call will end. You will not hear ringing. 

      2. For an attended transfer while in an active call hit the Transfer button which is located on the left side of your phone. Now Dial the extension and hit the enter/send hotkey under the display of your phone. You will hear the phone/extension ring. If someone answers the extension/phone number you can talk to that person (maybe asking them if you can transfer the call). If yes hang up the phone to complete the transfer. If No (or it goes to their voicemail and you don't want to send the caller to voicemail) hit the cancel softkey (this softkey will one of the buttons under your display and will have the cancel label above the button). If you hit cancel you will be reconnected with the original caller where you can then transfer them somewhere else if they wish. 
    • For an Attended transfer (using the transfer key or by hitting ##) you must always type in the extension or phone number to transfer to. You cannot hit the transfer button (or hit ##) and then hit a line button on your sidecar. This is a limitation of the phone features. Instead just hit the line key on your sidecar to which you want to transfer the call. This does a blind transfer (explained above).  

Blind Transfer

  • The preferred method of transferring most calls. Please read above for instructions specific to each model of phone.  

Transferring a call direct to Voicemail

  • Follow the instructions for attended or blind transfer as explained above BUT... 
  • Put an asterisk before the extension you are transferring to. Example *3003 (notice the asterisk/star in front of the extension) tells the phone system to transfer to voicemail.  

How to remotely Pick up a ringing extension

  • If you need to pick up someone else's ringing extension from your phone you would dial **extension 
  • Example: To pick up extension 3000 if it was ringing you would dial **3000  

Add your own Speed Dials

  • NOTE: Since most people want the phone system to assign their speed dials please talk to REMC1 before trying to add a speed dial. We will switch your phone to a template where you can add your own speed dials. We can also push speed dials out to you automatically in most situations.  

Accessing the speed dials

  • To Access the Speed dials programmed on your phone hit the UP button. 
  • You can now use the arrow keys (up and down) to navigate through the list. 
  • If you want to dial one of the entries just select it with the arrows and hit the dial Soft Key (The leftmost button under your phone display should be labeled Dial on the display). 
  • To exit without dialing anything hit the softkey labeled EXIT at the bottom of your display or hit the LEFT arrow button.  

Adding your own Speed Dials

  • REMC1 has left speed dials 1 through 9 available for staff to add their own speed dial entries to the top of the list. 
  • To add a speed dial hit the Menu button on your phone. 
    1. Select Features using the arrow keys (should be at the top of the list) 
    2. Now hit the circular button in the middle of the arrow keys. For some models, the button is just black. On other models, there is a check mark on this button. This is the OK or Select button. Hit this button to select Features out of the menu. 
    3. Now hit the down arrow to select Contact Directory and hit the OK button (as explained above). 
    4. You are now in the Contact directory. You will see extensions and names of staff in your organization. 
    5. Hit the Softkey labeled more at the bottom of the display. 
    6. Now hit softkey labeled Add at the bottom of the display 
    7. You are now at a screen where you can type in the first name. If you notice the number keys on your phone have letters on them. You must hit the number keys to spell out the name. Use the X key on your phone to backspace if you type the wrong letter. On some phone models there is a softkey under your display with the << label or Back label. Hit that to backspace on those models. You can also use the arrow keys to move the cursor left or right. 

    8. Use the down error and type in the last name (if you want). You don't have to. 
    9. Under Contact this is the phone number to dial. Type in the number as you would dial it on a phone. This can be ANY number. 19063333333 or 2423333 etc.. 
    10. Hit the down arrow again. For the Speed Dial Index you must use 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ONLY. Start with one. For the next speed dial you enter use 2 so on and so forth up to 9 entries. 
    11. Now hit SAVE 
    12. You are now back at the directory listing. You should see your new speed dial entry. 
    13. Repeat steps 5 through 11 to add more speed dials if you need them. (up to 9) 
    14. When done and after you hit save on your last speed dial you can just hit the Menu button to get back to your normal phone display. 
    15. Now you can hit the up button and your speed dials should be at the top of the list.  

Phone models

  • Teacher Phone: IP335  

Teacher phone, Polycom IP335, image  

  • Admin Phone: IP450  

Administrator phone, Polycom IP450, image  

  • Secretary Phone: IP650  

Secretary phone, Polycom IP650, image

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