Embedding a Google Calendar

Embedding a Google Calendar

Embedding a calendar means that you can insert the calendar on to another website.To do this, you do need access to the web server which hosts the website you'd like to embed your calendar. Google generates the code to insert onto the specific web page. This code can be specific to size, color, title choice, etc.  

First, select Click the three dots next to the name of the calendar you want to Embed and select "Settings and Sharing"

Here you can take the code as is and insert onto your webpage or if you'd like to customize your calendar's appearance, you can select the link "Customize"

Once the "Customize" is selected the view below appears. Here you can add or subtract features. Once you've added the features you'd like, and copy the code. You may want to test the view of your calendar from your website to verify it appears as you desire. Note that you can embed your calendar into many different sites and each can have its own unique appearance.