Acceptable Use Policy for Google Suite - AUP

Acceptable Use Policy for Google Suite - AUP

Important Facts

  • Obtaining parents' permission for their children to use Google Suite Additional Services is a requirement. After reviewing the list of additional services, REMC1 believes all districts use (at least some) additional services.

Information a district needs to incorporate into their student AUP

We like to make sure the appropriate documents go home with kids for parents to review and sign. We want to make sure that the following information is included in your Acceptable Use Policy for students under 18. Google recommends that (in your AUP sent to parents) you mention students starting in grade X will begin using Google Suite online core services. These core services are defined here: https://gsuite.google.com/intl/en/terms/user_features.html under the core services heading.

Google requires that parents sign off on allowing their kids to use Google Suite Additional Services. Some of these additional services are things like Groups, Google Earth, Maps, Photos, Youtube and more... defined here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/181865
We believe all districts use one or more of Google Suites additional services so this is a critical/necessary piece to include to maintain compliance.

Here is a full explanation of Google's requirements, including a template for districts to fill out and include with their student AUP. This can be included in your overall AUP after the template is filled out and re-formatted for your needs.


Here is a link directly to the template, however, it's only part of what Google recommends you send to parents. Please read over the link above.
