

The CCISD has a communication platform (Slack) that works on both computers and mobile devices for messaging.  Within this platform, we have created an emergency channel for communicating and providing updates during lockdowns, emergency situations and alarm issues.  Please see the information below on how to get started:  

Join CCISD Workspace 

You can do this by simply clicking the link:


Add Channel

Once you have joined the CCISD Workspace, you can add the emergency channel by selecting the "+" next to channels and selecting "browse channels."  

From there, search for "emergency" and then select the green "join" button. 

Install Mobile App

Once you have joined the CCISD Slack Workspace, we encourage you to add the mobile app too.  This will be especially important if you plan to access the building outside of normal office hours. Download the slack app for mobile devices from the links below:
-iOS App (iPhone)
-Android App (Android phones)

Additional Assistance

You can learn more about Slack and setting your notification settings by visiting the following support articles: 

Join a channel

Configure your Slack notifications

If you have any questions or need assistance with this, please contact REMC SupportNet by visiting Home | SupportNet  or calling (906) 487-7624.

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