Uses for Discovery Streaming
From Discovery Education, 1-800-323-9084, uses.pdf
Multimedia Presentations
Embed clips into PowerPoint presentations to make your lessons come alive.
Supporting Resource
- Watch full-length videos to support or provide context for a lesson.
- Use Writing Prompts and the Image Library to inspire creativity.
Reading Support
- Use closed-captioning to assist struggling readers.
Current Events
- Students research news events and present their findings to the class.
Today Is Your Birthday
- Use the Calendar to highlight events that happened in students' birthdays.
Morning Work
- Play a video for students to watch and respond to while you take attendance.
- Show a video clip to motivate students at the beginning of the unit.
KWL Charts
- Use video clips to help complete KWL charts and reinforce concepts.
Graphic Organizers
- Use with graphic organizer software to help students make valuable connections.
Teachable Moments
- Show video clips to take advantage of impromptu learning opportunities.
Career Night
Build community with a career night by watching the Careers For the 21st Century videos with students and parents.
Scavenger Hunt
- Challenge students to answer essential questions by searching preselected clips.
- Use the video library as the classroom encyclopedia.
All About Me
- Let students create a personal video library that reflects their personality and present it to the class.
Show What You Know
- Challenge students to create a multimedia presentation of something they learned in class that week.
- Show videos as a context for discussing respect, bullying, and behavior.
The First Six Weeks
- Set the course for the year with videos on teamwork, cooperation, and conflict resolution.
The Week Ahead
- Show a montage of clips and images from topics you'll be covering.
Assignment Builder
- Encourage autonomy by creating individualized assignments that students can access on their own.
Quiz Challenge
- Let students stump each other by creating their own quizzes in Quiz Center.
Cross-Curricular Reinforcement
- Create interdisciplinary units using historical clips to provide context for literature assignments.
Hands-On Math
- Combine math videos with relevant manipulatives.
Rainy-Day Lessons
- Create a set of "rainy-day" video lessons to keep students engaged during indoor recess.
Extra Credit
- Let students earn extra credit by completing video challenges.
Award united streaming video-viewing time for good behavior.
Book Club
Assign students a book from the Great Books series and watch the video as reinforcement.
Bulletin Board
- Use the Image Library and Clip Art Gallery to add dimension to your bulletin boards.
Discussion Guides
- Use discussion guide materials and blackline masters to supplement your lesson plans.
Quick Holiday Lessons
Use videos and blackline masters from Holiday Facts and Fun.
Alphabet Line
- Print out the alphabet from the Image Library to create a unique alphabet line.
Make-Up Work
- Create a CD of clips to send home for make-up work.
Parent Night
- Select clips to show parents at back-to-school night.
Editable Clips
- Create unique lessons by adding voiceover and splicing clips.
Learning Stations
- Create self-directed "learning cards" for students to complete on their own.
Multimedia Newspaper
- Assign teams different paper sections and create a multimedia "Classroom Tribune".
Daily News Broadcasts
- Use video clips as factoids on your morning news broadcast.
Professional Development
- Show clips from the "Teacher to Teacher" series during in-service days.
Virtual Field Trips
- Create a "lunch and learn" where students eat lunch with you while watching a video about another part of the world.
Science Projects
- Create hypotheses based on experiments from the science videos. Conduct the experiment in class and compare results.
The Great Debate
- Give teams a topic and have them defend their argument using videos and research as evidence.
Get Moving
- Reinforce nutrition and fitness by showing physical education clips during lunch.
- Create a timeline of events by integrating clips into Inspiration or Timeliner software.
Film Festival
- Have students produce their own videos by editing clips and adding voiceovers. Host a "premiere party" and let the filmmakers field questions from the audience.
Geography Game
- Show clips about different geographical locations and have students guess where they are.
Flyers and Backpack Notes
- Use an image from the Clip Art Gallery to liven up your announcements.
- Use the teacher feature materials as a short lesson to fill unexpected gaps in the day.
Game Show Quiz Review
- Make assessment fun by creating a 'quiz show' format using video clips.
Freeze Frame
- Stop videos mid-clip for deeper investigation of details and concepts.
Culture Club
- Have student groups research an area of the world and create a presentation that highlights the people, economy, and traditions.