Learn 360

Learn 360

Learn360 is a website that houses online content for education. It does require a membership and each district is responsible for paying for that membership. Learn360 has more than just videos, it houses audiobooks, music tracks, speeches, images, clipart, illustrations, printable maps, experiments, diagrams, encyclopedia articles, and interactive activities. There's content for every age group from Pre-K all the way to 12th grade. The content is split pretty evenly between Elementary, Middle, and High School. Learn360 covers a comprehensive subject distribution and has a multitude of STEM resources.

Learn 360 graphical representation of age groups and subjects

To request a free trial go here or go to their main page and click Request a Free Trial in the top right corner. To speak with a sales associate call 1-800-322-8755 ext4334 or email Sales@Learn360.com.


The Learn360 Quick Start Guide: Learn360QuickStart.pdf