This file is a listing of staff from PowerSchool and it needs to be exported from PowerSchool directly. First navigate to DDE (Direct Database Export. Data and Reporting > Export > Direct Database Export (DDE) and this time select the Teachers (5) table. Do a search for all active teachers, StaffStatus = 1 will return all active staff.
Then export these fields:
Make sure you select “Comma”, and hit the “Submit” button.
You will then need to rename the file “Staff.csv”
This file is a listing of student enrollments from PowerSchool and it needs to be exported from PowerSchool directly. First navigate to DDE (Direct Database Export. Data and Reporting > Export > Direct Database Export (DDE) and this time select the CC (4) table. Do a search for all records for the 23-24 school year. TermID >= 3300
Once you have that selection, do an export and use the following fields:
Remember to select “Comma”
Export the file and remember to rename it to StudentEnrollments.csv
This file is a listing of staff enrollments from PowerSchool and it needs to be exported from PowerSchool directly. First navigate to DDE (Direct Database Export. Data and Reporting > Export > Direct Database Export (DDE) and this time select the CC (4) table. Do a search for all records for the 23-24 school year. TermID >= 3300
Then go to export the following fields:
Don’t forget to select “Comma”
Export the file and rename it to StaffEnrollments.csv
You will also need to add one more column to this file manually.
Open the file in Excel and add a “Role” column and populate it with “teacher” and save it.
Prep the ZIP File
You should now have seven files, in this example I placed them into a folder named ALO-District, you will want to name them with your own district name in place of “District”
Navigate one folder level up and right click on the folder “ALO-District” and select “Compress to ZIP File”
That file can then be sent out and uploaded via SFTP to ALO.