We will reach out to MiSecure for each district and obtain licensing based on the actual count of machines per districts (see MiSecure Wiki) MISecure and Crowdstrike Falcon Complete ISD - Wide Implementation
All district counts are completed and recorded in the sheet linked below under the Totals tab (in the column highlighted in green) → https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1md64A6DkW80w6oPW5VoWhCJ7er6_Nk-bi9N2rOtFZYU/edit?gid=260014243#gid=260014243
We will send an email to MiSecure contacts (including the director) with an email listing a request for a quote for each district, the total requested and the product being Crowdstrike Falcon Complete 2y license agreement.
Ensure that for each request they understand the quotes are to be made out to each district with that districts contact information/address/business office email and superintendent email.
This information is recorded on an alternate wiki page at this link and section (the Google Sheet): /wiki/spaces/DSI/pages/15434477
Have them bcc support@remc1.net with each quote and then merge their quote response into each SLCGP procurement ticket for each agency.
SLCGP Requirements
Must participate in the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR) https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr
It opens October through February.